Mini Splits
We carry Mitsubishi Mini-Splits ductless cooling and heating systems. Plus provide site reviews, installation, and service.

Mini-split systems have two main components — an outdoor compressor/condenser and an indoor head. Installation is easy, requiring only a three-inch hole through an exterior wall for conduit to connect the outdoor and indoor units. Hence, the term “ductless”! This makes mini-splits a great option for your existing home, as well as for new construction.
We especially love these units for their efficiency — compared to other electric heating options, they use only ⅓ of the electricity.
Mini-splits are great companions for grid-tied solar electric homes since they allow you to heat and cool using power from the sun.
They are also a wonderful complement to wood heat.
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“Mini-splits are great companions for grid-tied solar electric homes since they allow you to heat and cool using power from the sun.”